Friday, September 3, 2010

different races

this is what people do in all different races. Mexicans are the people that are hard working. the white people sit back all day collecting allowance from mommy and daddy. they act like there shit don't stink. there the most smelliest people when they don't take a shower. but their cool to have around to do your homework. Chinese people are a little more high tech. their so smart that they could speak 7 different languages. they have a mind like a computer. but they look really really funny though.

Friday, May 14, 2010

This year at the Phoenix Learnin Center

It is fun at the phoenix learning center. because you have teachers that wont to teach you a lot of stuff that you need to know about in life. i think that is the cool thing in the hole world. because you have some there who care about. and who is willing to a part of there live and teach a student. i have a really cool teacher named mister Anderson he is one of the best teachers i ever had and there mister Red. he a cool teacher i think they are the world best there and is miss. c and miss. Lona this is why i love school because i learn lots of stuff and i have fun ever day i come to school it is fun i have the best teachers that help me when i am up set that's cool and this is why i it is different then last year.

Monday, May 10, 2010

straw tower

it is fun to build a straw tower out of straw. and it is also fun to know much weight you can use on your straw tower. my straw tower can take so much weight it took 101 pices of weight it is real interesting to also no what materials you can use before it falls that is so cool.

I like this project. because it was fun to know what things you can use and how much weight it can take that is coo.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Things that happen in the Neighborhood by RA

I live in the city of Phoenix and my neighborhood is the biggest Crip Gang in Phoenix. It runs from 7th Avenue to Lower Buckeye, about five square miles. In the neighborhood a lot of things can go down and people get hurt. I like my neighborhood because I get money. I've got to many friends and we can get things that other can't. The only bad thing about the neighborhood is that you could lose what you got really quick and people sometimes don't come back. This one time there were ten of us and we were doing our thing. This guy tried to get in my little homies face. I was there and I told the guy to back up. If he would not back up then we would have to see each other in hands. Than he got on the phone and called some guys up. We were walking down the street that's when we saw a white Astro van pass us. The van was coming back toward us. At that time I noticed the two barrels of the gun coming out of the window. Spark were flying toward us. There was a lot of us we all started to run. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital getting a bullet taken out of my leg. Three other friends got hit as well. It is good to know that the neighborhood and I are still alive. That was an unforgettable day in my neighborhood.

G.O. The Joy of Spanish

If you wanted to learn how to communicate with a varity of people you should learn Spanish. Spanish can help you communicate, not only with spanish people but with other people who speak spanish but are not spanish. Speaking more than one language could give you a good opportunity for a great jobs. Also learning a different language can be very fun.

Friday, January 22, 2010

In the 2012 by T Man

Have you ever wonder how human life would be in 2012? Well, I have some ideas for you to consider. Do you think there will be flying cars in 2012? How would you humans do you feel if humans had chips in their brain. Or do you think the world would blow up because of the bomb that Iran is trying to make? What do you think?

In 2012 I believe there will be flying cars. Flying high in the sky Do you believe there will be flying cars in 2012 ? How will we make flying cars? How would they fly? How high would they go in the sky? What would they run on ? Will it take gas? Well I got a few tips for you to read. I say they can go as high as you want them too. They will run on trash instead of gas. They would have propellers like a plain. thats what I belive.

Do you have a big sister? Well I can tell you about haveing a big sister. Because I have a big sister. Big sister are so wonderful to havein life. Thay will play games with you. the coolest ting about a haveing a big sister is that thay love you so much. We all know that thay can be a pain in the butt. But just rember thay love you as mush as you love them. Well is your sister your best friend? well my sister is my best friend. And she is the best thing a brother can have.

Hunting by D

I'm not the same as other hunters they have a lot of things all i have is my weapon i shoot to kill mothing tell me to shoot i just pull the trigger i don't have a lisens to hunt but i do it any ways i like to jump in trees to snipe for things.

Writing Good Introductions.

The start of an essay is the most important part of an essay.
To hook the reader an effective introduction must include many elements.

1. Grab your readers attention in the introduction.
a. Ask a question b. Use a brief story. c. Share a Statistic
2. State and support the main point.
3. Provide background information.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome to the PLC Writers Blog

The students at PLC are please to present their writing sample for the world to view. Please offer your comments.
Best Wishes.